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October 2017

Siena Gospel Project

20 October, 2017, 12:00 am - 22 October, 2017, 11:59 pm
Chiesa San Martino, Via del Porrione, 41
Siena, Siena Italia
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GTM ministries y Joyful Anthem Gospel Choir organizan un encuentro de Gospel en Siena (Italia). Nacho Melús ha sido invitado para impartir un taller de 2 días y un concierto con los participantes.      

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November 2017

Flamenco & Gospel

5 November, 2017
Private workshop

Do you sing with a gospel choir and/or have always felt interested in Flamenco music? Are you eager to learn new rhythms and the similarities between these two musical genres? Are you a proactive person who feels that fusion is a source of artistic creativity?…

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February 2018

Private Rhythm & Gospel workshop

3 February, 2018, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Lluïsos de Gràcia

Are you thrilled when you listen to music and your feet start to pulse in time without your awareness? Do you want to sing in a group and learn how to use your hands and feet while you sing? Welcome to Rhythm & Gospel. This…

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Gospel Music Mission Trip

8 February, 2018 - 16 February, 2018
Telemark, Norway Telemark, Noruega + Google Map

Two-part music mission trip: first attend a mass choir weekend with many youth ages 10-16 to teach gospel songs and prepare a Gospel Concert. Second part is to give masterclasses of vocal technique, choir rehearsals and flamenco-gospel fusion sessions to students at an Arts College…

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December 2018

Solidarity concert with The Beating Souls

16 December, 2018, 7:00 pm
TRADICIONÀRIUS (Gràcia), Plaça Anna Frank, s/n
Barcelona, Barcelona 08012 España
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Solidarity concert with The Beating Souls for the benefit of #Distrets in collaboration with the NGO AIS Ayuda a la infancia sin recursos. The benefits will be destined to the project #FabricaDeSomriures with which plenty of people with functional diversity will enjoy #OciInclusiu and their…

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January 2019

Private Event Rhythm & Gospel

16 January, 2019
Bactua Gospel

Are you thrilled when you listen to music and your feet start to pulse in time without your awareness? Do you want to sing in a group and learn how to use your hands and feet while you sing? Welcome to Rhythm & Gospel. This…

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February 2019

Concert with The Beating Souls

2 February, 2019, 7:00 pm
Corbera de LLobregat

Concert with The Beating Souls at Societat Coral Diadema Corberenca. The project is formed by 16 mised voices that invite to travel from Traditional Gospel Negro Spirituals and Hymns to Contemporary Gospel, influenced by some of its most important artists such as Richard Smallwood, Kirk…

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